In competition films
Reveries of a Solitary Walker

Reveries of a Solitary Walker
by Paolo Gaudio – Italia, 2015
(83', DCP, Italian Version)
Three characters in three different ages are united by a dream of freedom and a small masterpiece of literature. A journey through the mysterious and timeless aspirations, sufferings and 'Reveries' of a poet, of a young student and a child lost in the woods.

Paolo Gaudio
Paolo Gaudio, born in 1981, is an italian director and scriptwriter.
On 2003 he graduates on philosophy at UNICAL (Università della Calabria) and then in directing at NUCT (Nuova Università del Cinema e della Televisione) of Rome.
Author of many fantasy shorts Movie, he is now engaged in expertising stop-motion techniques, cut out animation e computer grafic.
Reveries of a Solitary Walker is his first feature film.