Abu Dhabi Animation and Multimedia Project
Business opportunities for the Italian companies in the Emirates
Bologna, May 6 and 20, 2015
Free entry, under inscription. Click here to register
The Abu Dhabi Animation and Multimedia Project was developed by CNA Emilia Romagna and Future Film Festival with the support of Regione Emilia-Romagna to boost the trade relations among local and UAE companies. The final stage of the project will take place in May in Bologna, Italy, with a series of workshops and professional meetings. Here is the programme of the scheduled events:
May the 6th, 12.00 – Cinema Lumière (Piazzetta P. P. Pasolini 2/B – Bologna)
Future Film Festival 2015
Presentation of the business trip of the Future Film Festival and of CNA Emilia Romagna in Abu Dhabi; a survey of the opportunities for new media and entertainment companies in the UAE.
Welcome speech by Regione Emilia-Romagna. Speaking guests: Giulietta Fara (director of the Future Film Festival), Elisa Muratori (CNA Emilia Romagna) and representatives of the companies Panebarco, Virtual Craft, Loop, Tryeco, Achtoons.
May the 20th, CNA Emilia Romagna (Via Rimini, 7 - 40128 Bologna )
Business opportunities for the media companies in the Emirates
10.00 - Panel: Business opportunities for the media companies in the Emirates, with specific regard to creative business and to Expo 2020
Welcome speech by Regione Emilia-Romagna. Speaking guests: Giorgio Starace, Italian Ambassador in the UAE; Omar Shehadeh, Director International Affairs & Engagement, Dubai Expo 2020 Bureau; Mark Leo, Client Service DIrector - General Manager, YAS Digital Media; Ferdinando Fiore,Italian Trade Commissioner – Trade Promotion section of the Italian Embassy.
Session chairs: Giulietta Fara (director of the Future Film Festival) and Elisa Muratori (CNA Emilia-Romagna)
14.00 - 18.00 - One-to-one matchings
The business meetings will take place in English.
The attending companies:
Dubai Expo 2020 Bureau is the institution in charge of overseeing the preparation and delivery of Expo 2020.
YAS Digital media is a digital marketing & user experience agency, which aims at creating a center of excellence in Digital Media Industry and at establishing a World Class Hub for innovative companies in the UAE. It is a joint venture between Emirates Advanced Investment Group (EAIG) and Italian group FullSix Spa.
ICE – Italian Trade Promotion Office – Dubai Office
The ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency is the government organisation which promotes the internationalisation of the Italian companies, in line with the strategies of the Ministry for Economic Development. ICE provides information, support and advice to Italian and foreign companies.
For info and reservation:
info@futurefilmfestival.it - +39 329 2332210