In competition films

Platinum Grand Prize

Approved for adoption

Monday 15 April 2013 10:30 am
Cinema Lumière - Sala Scorsese

Approved for Adoption

by Laurent Boileau, Jung Henin – France - Belgium, 2012

('75, Digital, Original version with Italian subtitles)

Jung. Cartoonist; 42 years old according to his civil status, Jung prefers to place his birth at the age of 5, when a policeman found him wandering alone in the streets of Seoul. He is one of those 200.000 adopted Koreans spread around the world. Jung decided to return for the first time in South Korea, in order to breathe the air of his home country, tread the land of his ancestors, and maybe find traces of his biological mother. This trip of reconciliation with his roots and with himself leads our character to recall – in animation – the child he once was and the winding path that made him grow up.



Laurent Boileau

Laurent Boile worked for ten years as a director of photography and then as chief editor on several documentaries, before moving to film direction in 1999. With a passion for comics and graphic arts, he direct films about the 9th Art: Artisans of the imagination (2004), Franquin Gaston and company (2005), Sokal, the art of fine (2007), Poland Marzi (2009). On the 20th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall, he developed an animated series for RTBF and

Jung Henin

Born in 1965 in Seoul, Jung Henin was adopted by a Belgian family in 1971. After his studies at the Academy of the Art Schools of Bruxelles, in 1987 he works as illustrator for «Spirou» magazine. He illustrates also the covers of Belgian «Business Magazine». In 1997, in collaboration with Martin Ryelandt, he directs Young Girl and the Wind, an heroic-fantasy serie. In collaboration with Jee-Yun he publishes Kwaïdan (2001) and Okiya (2006).

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