In competition films

by Run & Shojiro Nishimi – Francia, Giappone, 2017
(90', O.V. with Italian subtitles)
Angelino is the one of many loafers that populate the Dark Meat City megalopolis, sharing an hotel room with his friend Vinz and with an horde of beetles. One day Angelino has a scooter accident while he delivers pizzas and start sto suffer of stranges headaches and crazed visions. Chased by misterious men in back, Angelino undestands of being a target, for misterious reasons linked to his misterious pat.
Drown from the lucky of the same name comix series of Run (Guillame Renard) an adrenalina – filled and free postmodern animated movie in 2D, able to tell the street culture like few others.

Run & Shojiro Nishimi
Run, pen name of Guillaume Renard, is an important French cartoonist and web designers and he lay the foundations for the Mutafukaz project.
Shojiro Nishimi i san animation director. When he was young he animated some scenes of Akira, he is supervisor of the animations of the experimental genius party and creator of Tekkonkinkreet.