In competition films

Platinum Grand Prize


Friday 12 April 2013 10:30 am
Cinema Lumière - Sala Scorsese


by Lee Dae-hee – South Korea, 2012

(78', Digital, Original version with Italian subtitles)

Once a free fish in the ocean, the “Mackerel” was caught by a fishing net and brought to the fish tank in a seafood restaurant. She searches for a way out intentionally and relentlessly since she came into the tank. The skeptic pessimist “Old-flatfish”, was also from the ocean unlike other fishes in the tank raised in the fish farm. As the longest survivor in the tank, he reigns over other fishes with his knowledge of survival. To him, Mackerel’s protest against him to escape from the tank is a threat to his regime.


Lee Dae-hee

Nato nel 1977, Dae-hee Lee ha realizzato due corti di animazione, The Paper Boy (2001) e We are the Punx (2003) mentre era ancora studente di animazione alla Sejong University. Dopo il diploma, ha iniziato a lavorare in una società di produzioni animate e ha lavorato a diverse serie animate per la televisione. Attualmente ha fondato e gestisce il proprio studio di animazione, con il quale ha portato a termine il suo primo lungometraggio di animazione Padak, premiato al Jeonju International Film Festival 2012.

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