Saturday 7 May 2016 9:30 am
The class held by Samuele Sestieri e Olmo Amato, directors of the film I Racconti dell’orso – The Bear Tales, and by the producer Mauro Santini, analyses all the realisation phases of the film, which was, quite unusually, shot by a two man crew during a trip in Norway following an elastic theme which was transformed many times according to the places they saw and the people they met. Only afterwards, the authors turned to crowdfunding for the post-production, sound design and dubbing.
The cost of the workshop includes the free entry to the premiere at Cinema Lumière on Friday 6 May at 18.00.
Price: 30€
Limited entry (max. 30 participants) only upon registration.
info@futurefilmfestival.it – Tel. 051.2960672