We are proud to report that the beautiful Matilde Gioli, one of the most promising new italian actresses, was our guest on the 4th of May to present the world premiere of Claustophonia, the last work by Roberto Zazzara.
Known to the public for her performances in many italian films such as Il capitale umano (Human Capital) by Paolo Virzì or the comedy Belli di papà by Guido Chiesa, Matilde was chosen by Zazzara, one of the most brave and independent italian directors, to be the main character of Claustrophonia: an experimental short film, the ending of which can be chosen by the audience between three endings: it is indeed a new generation film, designed and realized to be a forerunner of interactive films, the cinema of the future.
The audience’s choice will depend on the sensations and emotions that the film will arouse, and that’s the reason why the film was designed for an interactive fruition, not just for the web but for on-demand TV as well.
As for the screening in a common theatre, the audience will still be able to vote an ending by using a special controller, so that the most voted one will be immediately played on screen.
Ingresso libero