The Future Web Festival, the traditional section of the Future Film Festival dedicated to the new web languages, spends inside the programme of the Future Film Festival 2007 a space for the artists who, playing with the web, are able to create interactive and indefinitely changeable works.
The era of Google and the communication’s world gain the attention of many multimedial artists. Among the most successful artistic projects of this kind is Human Browser created by Christophe Bruno, who will be present at the FFF 2007. The idea of Human Browser, at root, is simply to launch an online search in such a way that is interpreted by an actor. Bruno seems almost to exorcise the massive power that Google has extended over communication to the point of transforming human means of communication altogether. “At the beginning, man speak and write,” says Bruno. “The results of searching the web in a certain sense alter and fracture the languages of the world in many little threads. I intervene in the results of the web search and an actor interprets them. This way, the circle closes and we return to man and the way in which he expresses himself.”
On Friday 19th January since 10,30 a.m. at the Future Village (Re Enzo Palace, P.zza Nettuno) there will be the performance of Human Browser while in the afternoon at 3,00 p.m. always at the Future Village, there will be the date with Cristophe Bruno, Fabrizio Pivari to face the question about new resources during the “art in Google’s Era”. Edited by Luca Vaglio.