During the masterclass will be presented the making of the entirely italian animated movie, 100% made in Naples. Produced by Mad Entartainment in collaboration with Skydancers and distributed in Italy by Videa, the film had a triumphant success both in Italy and worldwide. Its greatness made it the first animated movie ever nominated in the Best Film section at the Donatello’s David.
Lauched at the 74th Venice International Film Festival, competing in the “Horizons” section, Gatta Cenerentola won two Davids: one for the best digital effects and one for best production. The film, directed by Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri and Dario Sansone, after winning another award as best year’s noir, keeps meeting everyone’s approval.
Informations info@futurefilmfestival.it or call at 051.2960664