Focus On

Ultracorpo + Vigasio Sexploitation

Tuesday 2 May 2017 5:30 pm
Cinema Arlecchino
Apocalissi a basso costo: Il nuovo cinema fantastico italiano


(Italy, 2010) by Michele Pastrello

29’, O.V. with English subtitles

I know. “They” think i’m a crazy, violent person. But I know it’s not true: I’ve seen them. They’re hiding everywhere: in the streets, in the cities, in the country. They hide in factories. They even hide in our homes. They tried to take control of my body an my mind.

I felt I had to defend myself, to protect the natural laws of order. But still i could hear him whispering to me: “We are everywhere”.


By finding a common ground between Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Cruising,  Michele Pastrello puts together a painful sci-fi noir, where horror swells  in the mind and body of someone “normal”, or supposedly so. Permeated with a gloomy photography and built around the histrionic performance by Diego Pagotto, Ultracorpo is a provoking work, one which forces the audience to strip bare in turn.


Vigasio Sexploitation

(Italy, 2010/2011) by Sebastiano Montresor

98’, O.V. with English subtitles

Volume 1. An egg fallen from space infects the inhabitants of Vigasio. The Agency sends off Officer Danger to investigate on the case, and to find the antidote to the virus

Volume 2. Dr. Moreau manages to bring on earth an alien who could solve the desertification issue caused by the freezing of earth’s rotation.

The alien illustrates the specular situation occurring on his planet: a seemingly endless night...


Sebastiano Montresor split his film in two volumes linked by the purpose of reasoning about pop. The fist half, a clear homage to classic horror and sci-fi films as much as to the shattered and psychedelic style of Lynch’s debut, is followed by a second hyper coloured section which looks up to Russ Meyer: chesty girls firing bullest from their breasts, tv-shaped aliens fertilizing earth’s women by shooting arrows into their vaginas, and bearded women dressed as bikers.


Introduced by directors Michele Pastrello and Sebastiano Montresor, and by Focus On curator Raffaele Meale.

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